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"""Contains BrowserWindow object representing the Firefox browser."""

from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from import By

from foxpuppet import expected
from import BaseWindow
from import NavBar
from import BaseNotification

[docs]class BrowserWindow(BaseWindow): """Representation of a browser window.""" _file_menu_button_locator = (By.ID, "file-menu") _file_menu_private_window_locator = (By.ID, "menu_newPrivateWindow") _file_menu_new_window_button_locator = (By.ID, "menu_newNavigator") _nav_bar_locator = (By.ID, "nav-bar") _notification_locator = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#notification-popup popupnotification") _app_menu_notification_locator = ( By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#appMenu-notification-popup popupnotification", ) _tab_browser_locator = (By.ID, "tabbrowser-tabs") @property def navbar(self): """Provide access to the Navigation Bar. Returns: :py:class:`NavBar`: FoxPuppet NavBar object. """ window = BaseWindow(self.selenium, self.selenium.current_window_handle) with self.selenium.context(self.selenium.CONTEXT_CHROME): el = self.selenium.find_element(*self._nav_bar_locator) return NavBar(window, el) @property def notification(self): """Provide access to the currently displayed notification. Returns: :py:class:`BaseNotification`: FoxPuppet BaseNotification object. """ with self.selenium.context(self.selenium.CONTEXT_CHROME): try: root = self.selenium.find_element(*self._notification_locator) return BaseNotification.create(self, root) except NoSuchElementException: pass try: notifications = self.selenium.find_elements( *self._app_menu_notification_locator ) root = next(n for n in notifications if n.is_displayed()) return BaseNotification.create(self, root) except StopIteration: pass return None # no notification is displayed
[docs] def wait_for_notification(self, notification_class=BaseNotification): """Wait for the specified notification to be displayed. Args: notification_class (:py:class:`BaseNotification`, optional): The notification class to wait for. If `None` is specified it will wait for any notification to be closed. Defaults to `BaseNotification`. Returns: :py:class:`BaseNotification`: Firefox notification. """ if notification_class: if notification_class is BaseNotification: message = "No notification was shown." else: message = "{0} was not shown.".format(notification_class.__name__) self.wait.until( lambda _: isinstance(self.notification, notification_class), message=message, ) return self.notification else: self.wait.until( lambda _: self.notification is None, message="Unexpected notification shown.", )
@property def is_private(self): """Property that checks if the specified window is private or not. Returns: bool: True if this is a Private Browsing window. """ self.switch_to() with self.selenium.context(self.selenium.CONTEXT_CHROME): return self.selenium.execute_script( """ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm"); let chromeWindow = arguments[0].ownerDocument.defaultView; return PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(chromeWindow); """, self.document_element, )
[docs] def open_window(self, private=False): """Open a new browser window. Args: private (bool): Optional parameter to open a private browsing window. Defaults to False. Returns: :py:class:`BrowserWindow`: Opened window. """ handles_before = self.selenium.window_handles self.switch_to() with self.selenium.context(self.selenium.CONTEXT_CHROME): # Opens private or non-private window self.selenium.find_element(*self._file_menu_button_locator).click() if private: self.selenium.find_element( *self._file_menu_private_window_locator ).click() else: self.selenium.find_element( *self._file_menu_new_window_button_locator ).click() return self.wait.until( expected.new_browser_window_is_opened(self.selenium, handles_before), message="No new browser window opened", )